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Spring azure butterfly

Eastern Washington

Picture of spring azure echo form
Spring azure butterfly or Celastrina argiolus

Spring azure butterfly blue dorsal wing
Spring azure casualty
showing it's bright blue dorsal wing color

Picture of spring azure nectaring on waterleaf - Celastrina argiolus lucia
Spring azure or Celastrina argiolus lucia
nectaring on ballhead waterleaf flower

Spring azure butterfly probing for salts from a boot
Spring azure probing for salts from my boot

Spring azure butterfly congregation dapping up salt from a bird dropping
Spring azures
congregating around bird droppings for salts

Picture of spring azure butterfly and wasps nectaring on black hawthorn
Spring azure butterfly
and cuckoo bees nectaring on black hawthorn

Picture of spring azure butterflies on coyote scat
Spring azure butterflies
extracting salts from coyote scat