Shrub Steppe - Eastern Washington State

Yellow-breasted chat

Eastern Washington

Eastern Washington State map of wildlife viewing and recreation areas

» Birds of Eastern Washington
» Eastern Washington birding locations
» Eastern Washington animals and plants
» Eastern Washington wildlife areas, refuges and parks

Related information
Yellow-breasted Chat life, behavior and distribution - Birds of Washington State
Yellow-breasted Chat or Icteria virens - Cornell All About Birds
Yellow-breasted Chat Identification - USGS

Join a network for good:
Audubon Society of Washington
Washington Ornithological Society

Related bird books
Birding Washington
Bird Songs of the Okanagan
Birds of Yakima County
The Sibley Field Guide to Birds of Western North America
Peterson Field Guide to Western Birds
Western Birding by Ear: A Guide to Bird Song Identification

Birds of Washington State


Yellow breasted chat or Icteria virens picture
Yellow-breasted chat or Icteria virens


Yellow-breasted chat
Yellow-breasted chat
singing near a brushy creek at Lake Roosevelt


Picture of yellow breasted chat at Lake Roosevelt
Yellow-breasted chat feeding it young
red osier dogwood berries


Yellow breasted chat flegling picture - Icteria virens
Yellow-breasted chat fledgling, Icteria virens

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A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in.